Hi, I'm Emily

Music Ed. Major | She/Her | Artist, Musician, Game Master


Hi there! I'm Emily. I’m a 21 year old Music Education Major in my 3rd year. I generally like to think of myself as a pretty chill, if secluded, person.

I'm a bit of a marching band and DCI nerd, and I'm a huge fan of animation, art, and graphic novels. In my free time I like to draw, play the trumpet, write original content, and occasionally run a session of Dungeons and Dragons.


You can support me by checking out my shop here, or check out my art portfolio here.

Nowadays, I mostly do art under internet aliases that I don't want publicly associated with my real-world identity for online safety reasons. If you are a personal acquaintance and you are interested in getting some art or graphics done, either DM me on twitter or shoot me an email about what you're looking for! I will give you a set quote (free of charge!) before moving forward if you're still interested. I charge approximately $10/hr. for friends and family.

If you need to contact me, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected]